How Can We Safely Test During Covid?
22 Feb 2021
Many industries have suffered from Covid19's untimely and overwhelming effect. The automotive industry is no different and with the strict lockdown orders in California, it may be hard for many companies to bring external people onsite for testing or have their own employees test in external labs.
During the shelter-in-place order in 2020, we temporarily moved all our testing to our lab in Germany, which offers the same parameters and set up. For 2021 we meet all the Covid criteria and are officially open for testing in the Bay Area. In this article, we would like to stipulate the procedures we take in order to be transparent in our efforts to keep our clients and staff safe while continuing to help the automotive industry overcome this trying time.

Layout, Occupancy, and Entries
To allow for physical distancing, the maximum occupancy of the SiLlab has been evaluated to six people and we’ll strive to keep the occupancy as low as possible. The typical study execution will require two staff members of fkaSV and one participant. To ensure social distance, the control room will only be accessed by fkaSV staff members while participants will remain in the mockup room. The staff can monitor and communicate with the participant remotely from the control room via video and audio.
COVID-19 Safety Modifications
A clear barrier has been installed between driver seat and passenger seat
Hand sanitizer is located at the entrance of the SimLab and is required to be used upon entering the Simlab
Face masks are required within the demo center AND within the SimLab
Face masks will be provided to participants if necessary
One-time use coverings will be provided for all participant mounted measurement devices (e.g. finger gloves)